There is not one the same as the other, their paws resemble those of a kangaroo and they symbolize uniqueness. Greenflor takes a look at the greenhouse of nursery A. van den Haak in Rijnsburg, specialist in the special Anigozanthos.
“In the absence, just call,” it says on the door. After a phone call, Kweker Renee van den Haak soon arrives. “Welcome,” he says widely smiling when he opens the door of his greenhouse. As far as the eye rises, you see the artistic Anigozanthos, which is also known as the Kangaroepoot. “Just look at the flowers,” Renee explains the name. “They look like the leg of a kangaroo. This flower is originally from Australia. “

You can keep looking at it for hours. From a root ball with huge leaves, velvety stems grow with tubes, all of which have a different shape. From this, six miniscule, colorful petals fan. “Most main branches are already finished. Here you mainly see the side branches, “Renee points out. “The plant is looking for light and can reach the wild two meters high. Angizohantos grows all year round. “

Uneven flower
The name Anigozanthos comes from the Greek “Anises” (uneven) and Anthos (Bloem). “Down Under” stands the strong, exotic flower for individuality and uniqueness. There are around twelve variants and the first species of the Anigozanthos came to Europe in 1803. “It’s really a special product,” says Renee. He only works in the greenhouse for most of the year.
Sometimes he gets help from his father and in the busy spring there are some extra hands. “But I prefer to do everything myself,” he admits laughing. If you look closely, you will see trays with seeds hanging between the stems in the greenhouse of Renee. The grower proudly tells about the biological way of combating. “By turning out natural enemies, we keep pests and diseases under control in a healthy way.” Furthermore, no drop of water is wasted. “We use rainwater for watering. Everything that flows from the pot is collected and used again. “

In the hall are casks full of forests with the artistic flower, ready to go to their new owner. In addition to the fairly straight stems, there are forests of Anigozanthos that have grown in all directions. “This used to be considered waste, but now these Scottish and crooked variants are more popular,” says Renee. “Precisely because they are even more unique. In a bouquet they can protrude slightly above the rest of the flowers. “