Mauro’s a real Italian. A bit chaotic that is, but as a craftsman he gets everything done! Three times a week in Liguria he provides a fresh load with breathtaking anemones, ranunculi, diverse greenery, daisies, and calendula!

Marc van Graas

Buyer at Greenflor, has been working with Mauro for more than twelve years: “The great thing about him is that he is reliable. Mauro works 100 percent for Greenflor and we’re all on the same page. I visit Mauro three times a week where we check everything, organize the entire purchase, and see if the quality meets our standards. We also plan the production for the next season. In addition, we quickly switch to talk about day trading and packaging.

Importbloemen Italie
Importbloemen Italie

Fresh ranunculus


Together with Mauro’s brother, they annually grow 56,000 ranunculus tubers. According to him, production is on track: “The tubers will be planted around August 20 and will then be in production at the end of October. Then the first flowers will be cut. Until mid-April we cut flowers, the main production is in March and April. The days are then much longer and the stronger light intensity and higher temperatures during the day and night will ensure more production. After mid-April it gets too hot and the flowers will no longer bloom. This shows that we are really dependent on nature!”

Importbloemen Italie

The Champagne district of the ranunculus

Liguria is the ideal to grow ranunculi. This is because of the microclimate, a small and specific climate which only can be found within a defined area. The ideal weather conditions make it the perfect place for the ranunculus. Just as champagne can only be made in the Champagne region, anemones, ranunculi, mimosa and genista can be grown perfectly in Liguria!

Importbloemen Italie

Pure nature

Mauro: “We don’t have to force any climate conditions. The ranunculus grows here totally naturally in the open air in the most ideal natural environment. We only protect the flowers from hailstorms. Because of the unique location there is no night frost and the breeze from the sea prevents a whole lot of disease you can find elsewhere. That’s why its just here that we can grow such an unique product!”

Check out our eccentric ranunculi in the web store here!