Gabrielle Gabrielle’s orchard is located in one of the most beautiful places in Europe. The nursery is located between the Italian mountains and the Mediterranean. Here in San Remo he grows ginster, beautiful branches full of small white flowers.
Gabrielle leads us around the flowering trees in his old Fiat and explains: “The early varieties of ginster grow on the sunny side of the coast. This period starts in mid-November on the south side and continues until the end of March.” The passionate grower explains that there are different types of ginster, the early varieties start growing on the coast and the late varieties end up in the hinterland. Because of the altitude it is a lot cooler there. “Every hundred meters it gets 1 degree colder. If you rise 500 meters from sea level, it is 5 degrees colder there in winter than down on the coast. This allows us to supply ginster throughout the season – from mid-November to the end of March. All the trees you see now is the storage of a year,” Gabrielle says proudly. The branches grow about one meter per year.

The original color of ginster is white, yet Greenflor has all kinds of different colors of ginster in its range. How is that possible? We dye the flower in an organic way. The food coloring consists of warm water with food for the flour. Because the plant drinks well, it receives dye at the same time and the ginster colors with it. Around Christmas, red is a popular color, towards Easter people more often opt for yellow ginster.
Ginster is often used in bouquets. This flower used to be a substitute for gypsophila, because gypsophila was not available in winter. Ginster is an excellent addition to a floral bouquet, the popular flower does well in any bouquet!

Gabrielle, meanwhile, continues to harvest the white varieties. “As soon as the flowers are ripe, we cut the trees short. Because I have different types and angles on the mountain, I can cut from one corner for a month! I start with the early varieties below and finish with the late varieties higher up. For example, I have two to three months of work on one mountain to deliver gin ester to Greenflor!”
The trees in Gabrielle’s nursery are forty to fifty years old. “Every year I prune the trees all the way back. Everything I cut off is sold and the branches that are still on the tree at the end of March are also cut off. The result is a bare tree. Then we hope for rain and a good growing season!” The rest of the year Gabrielle is busy with maintenance such as pruning, watering and fighting diseases. “I take care of the trees for a year to deliver the most beautiful ginster in three months!”