The peony range of wholesale Greenflor has been expanded again. We have them from soft pastel shades to bright bang colors and from folded ball to exuberant explosion of beauty.
Red Charm
The peony Red Charm is a seductive red rose, and the most popular of its color. The peony has a perfectly spherical head and this double peony is one of the first double peons of the season. Her stems remain a bit shorter and are strong. The enormous amount of petals in the heart, surrounded by round flower baths, know how to decorate everything and everyone. The deep red color of the Red Charm is a feast for the eyes. It is not for nothing that peony Red Charm has been awarded the worldwide “Queen of Piaen”. It blooms relatively short, but powerful! This type of pony was discovered in 1944 by GlassCock.

Pion Red Charm Blooming time
A peony usually blooms for two months and then generally in the month of May and June. The flower of the peony depends on the weather conditions. At Greenflor we import the peonies from the Netherlands and from France. Because the weather differs, not the flowering time of every Pieon is the same. In addition, it also depends on the species. Red Charm has a peak twice in which you can best buy her. Just before the middle and a bit at the end of the peoning season. So you can enjoy her charms twice!