The pepper branches of Limburg. Living works of art in the form of dazzling pepper branches grow here. Greenflor takes a look in the greenhouse!
Pepper branches
“Of course, you can take a look around”, the grower welcomes us from Limburg with a pie and a smile. When you step into the pepper grower’s greenhouses, it is as if you are looking at a work of art. The branches receive just the right amount of heat, light and water and are cared for with care. “Everything for the very best quality.”

Tunnel greenhouses
This enchanting flower gives itself away with the great color variants and spicy peppers that grow and bloom on the branch. Most branches are grown in tunnel greenhouses, also here in Limburg. All varieties are edible from mild to sharp. Yet at Greenflor we do not recommend doing that, but enjoying the glorious peppers on the branches.