Sunflowers stretch towards the sun, their golden petals glistening in the light. Greenflor, importer and flower wholesaler, supplies these flowers. They have yellow heads and long green stems, ideal for bouquets. Discover how Greenflor’s sunflowers can beautify and brighten your home.

Colourful varieties of sunflowers

Sunflowers are known for their radiant yellow beauty, but they can also be found in shades of orange, brown, cream, and deep red. Variation in shape is also available: from large to small flowers, and from single rows of petals to multiple wreaths. Whatever you choose, sunflowers always bring a vibrant splash of summer atmosphere.

The diverse colors and shapes impart a distinct character to each arrangement. Their vivid hues make them ideal for adding cheer to festive occasions.

Zonnebloemen, sunflowers
Zonnebloemen, sunflowers

The origins of sunflowers

Sunflowers originated in North and South America, where native Indians enjoyed the seeds along with beans, corn and pumpkins. Both humans and animals still enjoy sunflower seeds today. Did you know that their official name is Helianthus, derived from the Greek helios (sun) and anthos (flower)?

Have a brilliant summer with sunflowers!

Here are 5 handy tips to take good care of sunflowers this summer.

  1. Always cut at an angle! Use a sharp knife or a handy flower cutter.
  2. Let them relax in fresh tap water, with a touch of chlorine to keep bacteria away.
  3. Choose a clean spacious vase.
  4. Make sure 1/3 of the stem is under water and keep the leaves dry.
  5. Give them a spot without direct sunlight.

Greenflor: your flower supplier and importer

Greenflor delivers fresh flowers thanks to seamless cooperation between growers, logistics and delivery. As a wholesaler and importer, we offer seasonal products of the highest quality. Every season, Greenflor offers unique and beautiful flowers.

For example, Greenflor also offers beautiful sunflowers, perfect for any occasion. Get inspired and browse our range via the button below, and bring the radiant charm to life in your space.

Zonnebloemen, sunflowers