Buy lavender
Lavender is one of our favorite dry flowers. With its strong handle and sturdy flowers, lavender is suitable for drying. Dried lavender is also a natural tool for keeping moths out of the wardrobe. But that doesn’t work with the fresh lavender that we know in the Netherlands. We have to be in France for high -quality dried lavender. There, Lavender naturally grows on the lime soils of Provence, about 800 to 1100 meters above sea level. In Provence, the color of lavender becomes extra beautiful. That is because of the climate. Lavender also grows in the lower areas, but it is used for perfumes and essential oils.
Types of lavender
We have all kinds of different types of lavender in our range. The lavender owes its fame to his purple flowers and wonderful scent. But lavender does not only grow in a purple color. There are also lavender species that are white or pink.
Lavender Hidcote
The lavender “Hidcote” is the loved one by its flower color. This lavender has a beautiful deep purple color. The official name of this lavender species is Lavandula Angustifolia. The lavender grows compact and has good winter hardiness. The lavender starts with flowering in mid -June, this flowering takes about two months.
Lavender Stochas
The lavender “Stoechas” is also called Pluimlavender or French lavender and can be recognized by the plume on top of the Bloemaar. This lavender type flourishes rather than other species and also blooms longer. This lavender does not have a typical lavender scent, but smell more like pines.
Lavender Munstead
The lavender “Munstead” is one of the most reliable species in our range due to powerful growth. This lavender has a purple blue color and smells delicious. The lavender blooms in the period from June to August.
Lavender Augustifolia
The Lavendel Augustifolia is one of the most famous species because of its beautiful flowering and wonderful scent. The flowers color violet blue. The lavender blooms from July to September.

Lavender bouquet
A lavender bouquet stays beautiful for a long time and looks beautiful in a vase. The smell of lavender lingers and if you no longer smell it, you just have to touch the flowers. To keep the bouquet beautiful, it is best to put it in direct sunlight. This way the colors remain brighter. Self -dried lavender retains its scent and provides a wonderful scent. Lavender is beautiful as a solo bouquet, but can also be processed well in combination with other dry flowers.
Lavender nursery
Lavendel, also known as Lavandula Angustifolia, goes into the French soil in the fall. The harvest is limited in the first year, every year the harvest is getting bigger. The fragrant, purple blue lavender fields are ready to be harvested in July. At the Greenflor nursery, the lavender harvest goes by hand and lasts about three weeks. With a sickle, the stems forest for forest are cut from the country.

French lavender
After the lavender has been harvested, the bushes of lavender are dried naturally: in a huge drying shed, upside down, protected against the bright sun. This way the flowers retain their characteristic color. Thanks to the warm French summer wind, the lavender is about a week of dried and ready to leave for the Netherlands. Buyer Marc: “I think it’s wonderful to work with this natural product. We are totally dependent on the weather; That keeps it exciting! ”
Durable lavender
Since 2019, Greenflor has been sponsoring the SPLP Fund, which makes the development of lavender in Provence more sustainable. Thanks to this support, universities and laboratories can conduct research into natural solutions against harmful diseases and bacteria. The CO2 emissions of lavender production for 2029 are also reduced by fifty percent with the fund and no less than 20,000 bees per hectare are protected during harvest. This way we can continue to enjoy dried lavender from Provence for a long time!

Frequently asked questions about lavender
Why does lavender smell?
Lavender has a wonderful scent. The scent is caused by the loyalole that is released. In addition to smelling nice, it is also scientifically proven that the smell of lavender has a calming effect. The lamalool, which is released from lavender, stimulates the smells in the nose and that has a relaxing effect. In addition, you can light dried lavender on a saucer, then the lavender smoldering goes just like incense and it ensures a wonderful scent in the house.
Does lavender have a medicinal effect?
Yes, Lavendel has a disinfecting effect and was therefore highly regarded with our ancestors. The ancient Romans used lavender herb already killed soap and medicines. Today, lavender is widely used for skin problems. Lavender is a disinfectant and works against pathogenic bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi. The oils, Borneol and Cineol oils are the main active substances of the lavender. They ensure that lavender inflammation Weert.